Our Menu

The QUI offers a variety of Korean BBQ options that suit many dietary needs, including both non-marinated and marinated meats, seafood, and vegetarian selections. We offer authentic Korean dishes such as vegetable pancakes and beef intestines, a Korean delicacy.

Our Service

The QUI Staff will happily cut your favorite meat of your choice into bite-sized pieces when it’s almost ready to be enjoyed.
Come try out all of our AYCE
( All You Can Eat ) selections!

Our Pairing

When it comes to Korean BBQ, a refreshing drink pairs well with the intense flavors and delectable textures of Korean food. Make your QUI experience complete with our vast selection of drinks that pair well with our grille menu.

The Qui – Korean BBQ & BAR

The QUI offers an assortment of Korean BBQ options to choose from ranging from meats to seafood. Everything will be thoroughly cooked on Korean-style grills. Our menu also includes traditional Korean dishes such as Korean soups and side dishes.

At the QUI we are committed to providing you with an exciting dining experience through our authentic Korean cuisine, great service, and friendly hospitality. In addition, whatever the circumstances are, our staff is here to provide you with a safe, accommodating, and worry-free dining environment. Thank you!





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